Letters patent (no.522) granted to William Millard for 'Improvements in Jacquard looms'

Letters patent (no. 2871) granted to Henry Woodcroft Hammond for 'An Improved Compound Blower'

Manchester Steam Users' Association Registers of Explosions

Student notes entitled 'Electricity'

Volume entitled: "Barton's Ruling Engine Manuscript"

Notebooks on mechanical and electrical engineering

Printed booklets of Special Rules and Regulations to be observed at specific collieries in England and Wales, made pursuant to the Coal Mines Regulations Act, 1872

Letters from William Crookes to his laboratory assistant, Charles Henry Gimingham

Elementary Chemistry: Lecture Notes of Prof. A. W. Hofmann, Berlin, Germany

'Portfolio of photographs of Marine Engines, Boilers & Machinery'

Letters patent granted to Stephen Thomas Wentworth for 'Improvements in burners for consuming gas and air combined', plus ephemeral material

Letters patent (no. 992) granted to Captain William Henry Cutler for 'Improvements in Turbines'

Laboratory Book of Sir Oliver Lodge

Album of photographs, mainly of cyclists, cycling clubs and bicycles

Volume entitled: "Aerial Navigation"

Sviluppo di alcuni corpi Stereometrico Mineralogici secondo i celebri Autori Dufrenoy, Hauy, Mohs, Rose, Neumann

Collection of newspaper cuttings in 'Newspaper Cuttings' embossed album

Album of photographs relating to Rockingham Gas Works and Bonners Green Alkali Works

Journal describing Thomas Bowden's work as a jointer laying and repairing submarine cables

Marshall's Geological Diagrams

Portfolio of result traces, summaries of results and notes relating to repetition by Boys of the 'Cavendish experiment'

Notebooks kept by C.V. Boys when repeating the 'Cavendish Experiments'

Volume entitled: "Helical Epicycloids and Derivatives"

Drawing entitled 'H.M. Colonial Crusiers "Katoomba", "Mildura" & "Wallaroo" Plan of Hold

Drawing entitled 'Colonial Cruisers "Katoomba", "Mildura" & "Wallaroo" Arrangement of Pumping Flooding & Draining &c'

Drawing entitled 'Sail Plan of H.M. Colonial Cruisers Tauranga & Ringarooma'

Drawing entitled 'H.M. Colonial Cruisers "Tauranga" & "Ringarooma": Piping Arrangements'

Drawing entitled 'Colonial Crusier "Katoomba", "Mildura" & "Wallaroo" Rigging Plan

Drawing showing H.M. Colonial Crusier 'Ringarooma'

Drawing entitled 'Colonia Crusiers "Katoomba", "Mildura" & Wallaroo" Arrangement of Watertight Compartments, Doors, Sluice Valves &c'

Drawing entitled 'Lines of H.M. Colonial Cruisers "Tauranga" and "Ringarooma"'

Drawing entitled 'H.M. Colonial Cruisers "Katoomba", "Mildura" & "Wallaroo" Arrangement of W.T. Compartments, Pumping, Draining &c'

Drawing entitled 'H.M. Colonia Cruisers "Tauranga" & "Ringarooma" Piping Arrangement

Drawing entitled 'Sectional Drawing for a Steel Protected Cruiser for Colonial Defence to be named'

Drawing showing H.M. Colonial Crusier 'Ringarooma'

Volume No 3: 1893 July 12 – 1894 January 23

Drawing entitled 'H.M. Colonial Cruisers "Katoomba", "Mildura" & "Wallaroo" Elevation, Poop Deck and Forecastle Deck'

Volume No 2: 1892 October 20 – 1893 July 14

Total Abstinence Association Member's Card

Letter from Thomas Sopwith to Henry Pease

Letter from William Bouch to Henry Pease

Letter from S. Lutterton to Henry Pease

Letter from John Gray to Henry Pease

Letter from D. Dale to Henry Pease

Letter from A.L. Jenkins to Henry Pease

Letter from Lord Walden to Henry Pease

Letter from C.W. Fitzwilliam to Henry Pease

Letter from Lord Lifford to Henry Pease